In our office we can prepare full offer for: Car Insurance: Motor Civil Liability, Autocasco, Assistance; House/Flat insurance; Company Insurance (property, liability); Travel Insurance Etc
We can prepare full offer of the insurance for cars registered inside the Republic of Poland. To receive the offer, please contact us via e-mail: biuro@tanieocac.pl
The information needed to obtain the offer of insurance in Poland: make (brand) and version of Vehicle , production year, capacity of the engine, postal code, the amount of KW, name, surname and date of birth of an owner (owners), PESEL if you have, nationality, the date obtaining driving licence. If you need also Autocasco insurance we need extra information about: the value of the car and the amount of kilometers traveled
For the cars registered outside the European Union which need to travel inside the territory of Poland we offer Frontier Insurance against motor civil liability. The insurance is valid for 30 days and costs 120 PLN for car. If need more time, You can renew the insurance every 30 days. Minimum guarantee sum mandatory in the territory of the Republic of Poland is:
Personal injury - 2 500 000 Euro per occurence
Property damage - 500 000 Euro per occurence
If You need to buy Frontier Insurance please contact us and make sure if exact documents are available in the office.
In our offer You can also find Insurance for foreigners for travel inside the territory of Poland.
We offer:
1. Costs of medical treatment that consist:
- medical treatment and visit of a doctor and hospital
- medical transport (ambulance)
- dental treatment (only emergencies)
- the costs of medicines
- if some difficult and long treatment or surgery is needed they organise transport to Your country
- the help of translator
- the money in case of rob bery
2. Insurance against the effects of accidents – extra money for rehabilitation. The amount of compensation depends on the percentage of injury.
3. Civil liability of damages